Sunday, July 23, 2006

An odd, odd, odd world...

GemBlue89: hi
Mommy2Caitybug: Hiya
GemBlue89: how was the party?
Mommy2Caitybug: ok
Mommy2Caitybug: It was interesting
GemBlue89: how so?
Mommy2Caitybug: One of the guys who works with Vince
Mommy2Caitybug: brought his wife
Mommy2Caitybug: and their girlfriend
GemBlue89: what?
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
Mommy2Caitybug: the married couple
GemBlue89: he's married and they have a girlfriend?
Mommy2Caitybug: has a girlfriend
Mommy2Caitybug: yes
Mommy2Caitybug: They both
Mommy2Caitybug: do things with her
Mommy2Caitybug: ICKY
GemBlue89: EWWWW
Mommy2Caitybug: yeah
GemBlue89: oh wow
GemBlue89: and they're ok with this?
Mommy2Caitybug: well apparantly
GemBlue89: wow
Mommy2Caitybug: she's been living with them for two years
GemBlue89: living with them?!!?
Mommy2Caitybug: yeah
GemBlue89: wow
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
Mommy2Caitybug: yeah
Mommy2Caitybug: JJ and I didn't even ask who the father of the baby was
Mommy2Caitybug: cuz they had a lil baby with them
GemBlue89: there's a baby?
Mommy2Caitybug: Yeah
GemBlue89: oh wow
Mommy2Caitybug: They (the married) have two kids
GemBlue89: shouldn't it be more like who's the mother?
Mommy2Caitybug: 15 and 12 I think
Mommy2Caitybug: and the girlfriend
Mommy2Caitybug: has the new baby
Mommy2Caitybug: but I'm not sure if its the husbands
Mommy2Caitybug: or her ex boyfriends
Mommy2Caitybug: like I said It was uber interesting
GemBlue89: wait how old is the kid?
Mommy2Caitybug: 8 months
Mommy2Caitybug: so approx 17/18 months ago
Mommy2Caitybug: but
Mommy2Caitybug: she had a bf
Mommy2Caitybug: when seh moved in
Mommy2Caitybug: so I don't know
Mommy2Caitybug: didn't really want the details either
GemBlue89: have i mentioned that you know very intriguing people?
Mommy2Caitybug: lol
Mommy2Caitybug: I don't exactly know them
Mommy2Caitybug: just met them today
Mommy2Caitybug: apparantly
Mommy2Caitybug: it was a shocker for everyone

Is there a new twist to holy matrimony that I didn't hear about?


CC tagged me...

When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging on Sunday, July 16, 2006, exact date, freaky isn't it? Anyway, I started to blog because as I am weak and was not able to fight off the little voices that are my friends.

What don’t you talk about?
I really don't talk much about anything.

Are you and your blogging persona the same person?
Pretty much, but I can be more talkative when I'm blogging then in person.

How do you use blogging to build friendships?
Well, blogging helps to just make fun of friends, which happens all the time, but blogging just provides another way to goof around.

How would you describe your writing style?
I would say sarcastic and dull.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Makes me wonder...

A while ago a certain reader left me this feedback to a story of mine.

This feedback is as follows:

oh they need romance and time with their little boy in a remote place where they can run in fields of Wild flowers and laugh and hike and laugh they need to make up, make lvoe as their precious little boy sleeps and they both need to cry and hold one another... I love this you are so making me cry harder and harder.. good stuff More please

A bit creepy, yes. Also makes me wonder what people are on when they read my work.

Got no clue

To be honest I have no idea why I am doing this. I seem to be pressured into things. Xanga, myspace, you name it and I probably have one because of friends. Makes very little sense that I let people weasel me into things, but its more like I'm just too tired of fighting them off. I guess I could use this place to rant about things.