Sunday, September 17, 2006


Well, this was in a friend's away message and I believe it was regarding someone we know.

i know i shouldnt still care from him but i do i know should not love him but i do i know i should give up but i dont i know i should move on but i wont i know i shouldnt cry over him but i doi know all these things and yet i still do them or not do them very frustrating when the person doesnt care for you the same way BUT leads you on like they do and its not them just being themselves it hurts to see them everyday , not making it any easier on you to get over them and then it dawns on you that you are in love with this person but there isnt that sigh of relief when the realization is made so what do you do break off the friendship to save face or face the music stop iming them , dont talk to him to stop the tears from running down your face just because you cant have him or suck it up and save the tears for at night when no one can see or hear them especially not him ... not that he even cared in the first place or ever willand yes he will realize too little too late that what he was looking for was right there at his disposable but then you will be married to someone who did realize your value in just one glance and hes stuck with someone he could never be happy with like he could have been with you and even though that may happen it doesnt heal the wounds because all you wanted was him but you cant make him love and be with you what do you do ?

I'm allowed to be disturbed, right?

*the grammatical errors and what not are not mine

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Proper ladies in the evening

GemBlue89: *Ring ring*
nunniebunnie87: Hello?
GemBlue89: Good evening, I'm calling to speak to a Amanda Griggs, is she available at the moment?
nunniebunnie87: This is she. How may I help you?
GemBlue89: Hi, this is Basira. I was calling to ask if a certain boy is around to make you hyperventilate at work?
nunniebunnie87: No I'm sorry, he is not currently here. In fact, the library is vacant at the moment.
GemBlue89: I'm sorry to hear that. Are you disappointed that you have no special company?
nunniebunnie87: In a way yes, but for the most part is a pleasure to be alone with my own company.
GemBlue89: Well, if I must say that he's a fool for not realizing the great honor there is to be in your presence.
nunniebunnie87: I take your words as a benefit to my honor and my pride, and I thank you good lady. How is the pleasant day treating you?
GemBlue89: The day is not pleasant in any sort. It is dark, gloomy, and depressing. Also, I am at my wits end with this drama that is being caused by this fellow fiend.
nunniebunnie87: Fellow fiend? Who is this scoundrel that has damped your spirits and taken your smile?
GemBlue89: The scoundrel is none other than -----. He needs to be taught a lesson. Useless men, they do nothing, but cause problems for us ladies.
nunniebunnie87: Ah but remember, where would we be without the guiding force of the opposite sex? They may vex our spirits and try our patience, but they do offer some good in society. However, I am finding it difficult to recall what that good is. What foul act has young master ----- committed this day?
GemBlue89: There is no good, my dear. As for what atrocities has ----- not committed? The young master has threatened the barrier that I have between my private and educational lives.
nunniebunnie87: What fiend! Hath he no sense of decency or decorum? The barrier exists as a means to maintaining the necessary sanity to go about your day. This villain needs to be stopped before he corrupts society as we know it.
GemBlue89: ::lets out a haunty laugh:: Thank godness the fiend is gone for the weekend. The disregard of decency for another day would have caused me more ill.
nunniebunnie87: Thanks to the lord for that small favor. Alas, I dare say that he has deserted me now in my hour of need.
GemBlue89: What has occurred?
nunniebunnie87: My humble place of employment is deserted in this late hour and I must close its doors for the first time without the assistance of another. I have no escort for the long trek back to my dormitory, which is scandalous and an insult to my honor.
GemBlue89: Who has abandoned you in your moment of vulnerability?
nunniebunnie87: My dearest lady acquaintance Lindsay is having a dalliance with her gentleman caller this evening. He hath traveled many miles to see her, even though it is quite uncouth for him to stay within our humble inner sanctum.
GemBlue89: What scandalous behavior! But please do tell the intimate details of this courtship.
nunniebunnie87: He has bought a simple diamond and is planning on asking for her hand. She does not know this yet, as he told me in secret as her closest female companion.
GemBlue89: ::Gasp:: Oh the romance...Love is in the air.
nunniebunnie87: And it has a heady aroma indeed.
GemBlue89: Of course.
nunniebunnie87: What are your plans for this delightful fall evening?
GemBlue89: A little activity here and there. I may touch upon an enticing tale that I have been writing. What about you my fair lady?
nunniebunnie87: I am assisting other unknowledgable souls in my hour of duty, then I shall enjoy the company of my female companion and her gentleman caller.
GemBlue89: May you enjoy your evening. I will be sulking.
nunniebunnie87: Oh dear friend, please do not let the transgressions of a cowardly boy affect your demeanor. Remember, tis better to maintain one's own sense of self than lose it in the pursuit of a ridiculous boy.
GemBlue89: They most certainly are ridiculous
nunniebunnie87: Alas my dear Basi, I must bid you adieu. It is the hour of my departure.
nunniebunnie87: May you have sunny skies and happy days until we speak again.
GemBlue89: As I hope you may as well my love.
GemBlue89: Farewell
nunniebunnie87: Good bye.
GemBlue89: So long.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Oy this woman...

First of all, she's insane and you can't be nice to that woman without her being snarky and it gets worse with her stupid mood swings, pick a damn mood and stick to it for at least half the day for God's sake. Then there's the whole you're not good enough blah blah blah blah which makes you only want to pull your hair out and go screaming from the room. Honestly if I could I would go back in time and switch baby me and another kid just to escape this hell, but then I'd lose out on my life with Dad so it all comes back to being in the same house with the raving lunatic for the time being.

I think I'm subconciously counting down the days until I'm out of here with of course ater WWIII is won.